LDN-1235, The Dark Shark

Type: Dark Nebula

Constellation: Cepheus

Distance from Earth: 650 LY

About: The Dark Shark is a faint cloud of dark dust and clouds and perhaps the most difficult target I have imaged to date. The image above is my 4th attempt at the Shark using different imaging systems. This is also my longest integration period for the target, 28 hours. This has been challenging because you cannot trust the individual exposures. The target is so faint to attempt to make out the cloud structure from a singe photo.  This has truly been a test of persistence, and proof of the astrophotography rule, “more data, more data, MORE DATA!” 

Dark nebulae are challenging due to the opacity of the dust clouds that can be dense enough to block starlight from penetrating. This object was cataloged by American astronomer, Beverly Lynds in her Catalog of Dark Nebula published in 1962. On her 1-6 opacity scale, this target is listed as a 6, her highest rating for the densest objects. 

Imaging Project Information:

Imaging Telescope: William Optics Fluorostar 91 APO triplet refractor

Imaging Camera: ASI2600MM Pro

Mount: iOptron CEM60

Guiding: ZWO OAG-L Off-Axis guider and ASI290MM Mini guide camera

Filters and Frames: Optolong LRGB 2″ Filters

Luminance: 120 x 300s (10hrs)

Red: 180 x 120s (6hrs)

Green: 180 x 120s (6hrs)

Blue: 180x 120s (6hrs)

Accessories:  Computer: Mele Quieter 3C, Power and Data Distribution: Pegasus Astro Pocket Powerbox Advanced V2 and USB Control Hub, Calibration: Primalucelab Giotto Flat Field Generator and Alto-1 Telescope Cover Motor

Software: Acquisition – Nighttime Imaging and Astronomy (N.I.N.A.) Preprocessing: Pleiades Pixinsight Postprocessing: Pleiades Pixinisght

Acquisition Period: August 13, 14, 26, 27, 30, 31 – Sept 1-2, 2024

Pixinsight Star Chart of LDN-1235's Location