Messier 101 (Pinwheel Galaxy)

M101 with Supernova SN2023ixf

Type: Face-On Spiral

Constellation: Ursa Major

Distance from Earth: 21 million light-years

About: One of the last entries of Charles Messier’s catalog, the galaxy was discovered by Pierre Méchain in 1781. This image includes Supernova SN2023ixf discovered in May 2023.

Imaging Project Information:

Imaging Telescope: Celestron EdgeHD 8 Schmidt-Cassegrain

Imaging Camera: ZWO ASI533MM Pro

Mount: Celestron Advanced VX (AVX)

Guiding: Astromania 70mm guide scope and ZWO ASI290MM Mini guide camera

Filter and Frames:

Antlia Luminance 1.25″: 40×180s bin 2×2
Antlia Red 1.25″: 40×60s bin 2×2
Antlia Green 1.25″: 40×60s bin 2×2
Antlia Blue 1.25″: 40×60s bin 2×2
Antlia EDGE H-alpha 4.5nm 1.25″: 20×300s bin 2×2

Accessories: ZWO ASIAir Pro, ZWO 8 x 1.25″ Electronic Filter Wheel (EFW), ZWO Electronic Auto Focuser (EFW), Pegasus Astro Pocket Power Box

Software: Acquisition – via ZWO ASIAir Preprocessing: Aries Astropixel Processor Postprocessing: Pleiades Astrophoto Pixinisight, Adobe Lightroom Classic

Acquisition Period: June 16, 2023

Total Integration: 5hr 40m